Package Description

This two-part virtual workshop series, presented by the National Equity Project, explores how advances in neuroscience are helping us to understand bias – how it is formed, how it “sticks” in our consciousness, its role in individual, interpersonal, institutional and structural oppression, and what we can do about it. Our unconscious/implicit biases can lead to actions (e.g., microaggressions) and decisions at odds with our intentions or explicit values. It is critical for individuals to understand how implicit (or unconscious) bias and microaggressions play out so that they can interrupt its development and improve both individual interactions and relationships and interrupt policies and practices that perpetuate inequities within systems and institutions.  

Participants will:

  • Understand how unconscious bias and microaggressions operate and how it impacts individuals, institutions and structures in creating and perpetuating inequitable outcomes and experiences
  • Examine how unconscious bias may be at play in interactions, practices, and policies in your context and discuss strategies to reduce the effect of this bias
  • Get some tools and resources to use with your colleagues and those you support as you practice recognizing, shifting and counteracting unconscious bias at all levels of your system

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